Monday, February 22, 2010

Larry Bob Phillips at UTPA:Larry will conduct studio visits Wed. and Thurs. from 4-7 PM.

We are planning a meet and greet for guest artist Larry Bob Phillips. Larry will be arriving on Monday the 22nd . There will be several events surrounding his visit. Larry will give a talk about his work and ideas on Tuesday the 23rd in room 218 at 1:10pm and again at 7:10 pm. Larry will be available for studio visits to any of our grad students who wish to participate on Wed. and Thurs. from 4:00-7:00pm.
And of course there will be an opening for his exhibition in the COAS on Friday evening the 26th. Contact Prof. Jerry Lyles for more information.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thesis Workshop

If you plan on writing a Thesis I strongly suggest you attend this workshop.New important procedures will be presented and discussed (food too!). (Click poster to enlarge.)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Call for Artists UTB

(click image to enlarge)

Mid-term Critique, Spring 2010

Study Abroad at Guanajuato & San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

(CLICK POSTER for closeup)
Scholarship deadline is February 18th. Sign up NOW at the International Programs Office with Tanzeer. I can write one of the two letters of recommendation that you need for all the scholarships. Let me know.